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Brand development with positioning. Packaging design


A luxury hosiery manufacturer brand that currently operates retail stores in more than 10 countries.


Hosiery products are in high demand everywhere, consequently there is constant competition for market share.

That is why it was decided to create a complex new brand, its strategy and positioning in order to bring a premium product to the market.


  1. Brand strategy development. It was necessary to take into account the main points: market features; product quality; global trends and trends in design.

To assess the market, we conducted marketing research of:

  • target audience
  • market – the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and risks of the company were determined during the SWOT- analysis
  • activities and strategies of competitors, etc.

In the course of the study, the basic theory of positioning of the new brand was also determined, strategies, promotion, schedule and the main concepts of the advertising campaign were developed.

  1. New name for the product. Hosiery products are an indispensable part of the wardrobe, they add elegancy to the style, and at the same time do not catch the eye. These features were decided to reflect the new name of the brand – “Top Secret”.
  2. Brand positioning. Competitors’ strategies were analyzed in the course of marketing research. The analysis showed that the implementation of a premium segment product should have an innovative approach to the product itself, to its packaging and customer relation.


The new name “Top Secret ” has become a key idea for the logo and brand communication as it evokes associations of something interesting that is difficult to get or find.

The packaging was made in the shape of a tube that opens with a secret code. Such packaging fully reflects the brand name, attracting consumers with an unusual look. Additionally a gift packaging option was developed.

The created brand is significantly different from analogues on the market and meets all image-building characteristics.

Our team has successfully coped with the task. 

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Top secret brand positioning ATL ads for Top Secret Top Secret Bigboard top secret brand strategy Top Secret package Top Secret package design variants top secret visual identity