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Mystery shopping

Look at your business at customer's side

Success start with understanding of your business

We can help you to 

look at your business 

at consumer’s side


From small local shops to large international brands, we are experienced in conducting anonymous shopping evaluations. The company may also offer additional services, such as training or coaching, to help the business improve its customer service and comprehensive customer excellence.


In order to provide personalized secret shopper programs that meet each customer’s specific requirements, we listen closely to our clients’ needs and objectives. Regular updates and reports will be provided to the brand throughout the anonymous shopping process, allowing the business to track progress and make adjustments as needed.


Using proven methodologies, our trained mystery shoppers collect reliable and unbiased data. We seek to deliver high-quality, accurate, and actionable feedback to our customers. Depending on your needs, we can ensure secret video, mystery shopper valuations, phone shops, online experience, or customer surveys.

Mystery shopping with CMCG



Mystery shopping can also be referred to as secret shopping, covert shopping, or anonymous shopping. The concept of mystery shopping involves sending anonymous buyers to the company’s premises to interact with the staff and make purchases, then reporting their knowledge back to the company. It is a technique used by brands to evaluate the quality of their services and goods.

The great venue, professionally-trained and skilled staff, fabulous goods at a quality price are all you need for a successful business, so what’s holding you back – anonymous shopping could be the key!

CMCG is here to help businesses gain competitive benefits through Mystery or Secret Shopping. We offer anonymous shopping services to improve client care and satisfaction for businesses. Our services are completely customized to fit your ideal vision of success, enabling you to meet the needs of your customers.

Professional team of mystery shoppers

Usually hired by market research firms or directly by companies looking to improve their customer service, secret shoppers are a carefully selected group of individuals who have been carefully trained to perform this task. It is important that the members of the team blend in with the general public as well as pay attention to detail.

In addition to evaluating the cleanliness of the establishment to the friendliness of the staff, these anonymous shoppers evaluate the entire customer satisfaction from start to finish. Besides evaluating the product, they will also look at the atmosphere of the establishment and the quality of the service.

In a detailed report, the mystery shoppers will highlight fields of development as well as those that are performing well after completing their survey. In addition to customer service recommendations, the report will include suggestions to upgrade the experience of clients as a whole.

Explore the market. Want to create a real estate brand identity? Find out who your competitors are: analyze why they are better than your company, how they attract people to shop, identify the main difference from your business. In addition, you need to study the demand of the audience for your services. Why do people buy this service? How often and where? You need to determine how relevant your product is to people. After this analysis, it will be easier to form a sales funnel and influence a potential customer.

Types of mystery shopping we provide

Here are the types of secret shopping that we provide to businesses:

In-Person Mystery Shopping

In-person mystery shopping involves the shopper visiting a business to evaluate customer service along with interacting with employees, making a purchase, and observing product excellence, and adherence to brand standards. It includes observing customer service, cleanliness, and general atmosphere. To provide a more detailed evaluation of customer service at a business, secret shoppers may take video recordings of their experience.

Virtual Mystery Shopping

The purpose of virtual mystery shopping is to evaluate the quality of client’s service provided through social media, websites, and emails. An individual or agency is hired to act as a customer and interact with a business’s online presence while pretending to be interested in its products and services. In addition to evaluating the response time and helpfulness, the mystery shopper evaluates the whole quality of customer service through these channels. A brand uses the results to improve the virtual customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

Telephone Mystery Shopping

It involves hiring trained individuals or agencies to pretend to be clients while calling a business to test the quality of customer service. This research technique is used by businesses to evaluate the quality of customer service by calling. In addition, the anonymous shopper evaluates how friendly the client’s service was, how professional the call was, how knowledgeable the agent was, and how satisfied he or she was with the whole service.

Omnichannel Mystery Shopping

An omnichannel mystery shop evaluates the customer satisfaction across all channels, including online and offline, rather than checking only on online means of communication, such as a website, social media, or email. The omnichannel mystery shopper may also visit a physical store or give a business a call to evaluate the overall client experience in addition to online channels.

Compliance mystery shopping:

This type of mystery shopping is used to ensure that personnel are following company policies and procedures, such as checking for ID when selling age-restricted products.

Top 5 benefits of using anonymous shoppers

  1. Factual review: As a result of mystery shoppers, businesses are able to identify improvement areas and make informed decisions to improve the customer satisfaction and boost sales.
  2. Improved client contentment: Customers’ loyalty and satisfaction are enhanced when businesses identify areas for improvement.
  3. Competitive strength: Through secret shopping, businesses can identify best practices and fields for development that will put them ahead of their competitors.
  4. Staff training and development: The secret shopping process provides useful knowledge into employee performance, enabling businesses to determine the possibilities for training and development.
  5. Growth in income: A better customer satisfaction will lead to increased customer retention, new customer acquisition, and income growth for businesses.

CMCG team work with:

IT (including StartUps)

By hiring our professional team of mystery shoppers, your business can gain valuable insights into how to improve the services and products to better meet the needs of their customers.

What Our Customers  Say. What Our Customers  Say. What Our Customers  Say. What Our Customers  Say.

What Our Customers

Guys are really cool. We got an excellent result. A good, well-coordinated team that works wonders.

Edie Jamwel
Edie Jamwel
CEO, Moverte

We made an incredibly cool project with this team. They do more than what we asked for.
Our project brand has become the best in our holding. Thank you for doing your work with love.

O. N. Moloney
O. N. Moloney
Operating partner

Wir arbeiten mit der Agentur seit mehr als 3 Jahren zusammen, es gab viele verschiedene Momente in unserer Arbeit. Ich möchte das hohe Niveau und die Qualität der Arbeit, die Pedanterie der interagierenden Mitarbeiter hervorheben.

Brown Herry
Brown Herry
Brand manager, Danone