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Video animation

Animation video production is a marketing tool in promotion strategy​

One of the most effective methods of promotion is animation videos

Animation video marketing is part of a strategy that raises brand awareness through the visual component. 


If the brand needs to present the history of the company, to talk about the benefits of the product, the animation format is a good solution. 


Usually, this is a video series with dynamic, interesting shots that should promote the idea of the brand.


Attract new customers through various animation videos.


Explain your product uniqueness. The result of promotion depends on the form of presentation.


With animation videos, you will increase conversion and sales.

Animation videos for ads

There are no sales without advertising. CMCG team develops an idea and script for an animation ads. Then the designers develop creatives, and make a video. Companies are allocating large budgets for advertising videos for on and offline campaigns to make them informative, emotional and exclusive. 


We can say that promotional animation content not only attracts the attention of consumers, but also encourages them to buy the product.


You have a few minutes to sell the product to the user or interest a potential partner. This is one of the tasks of demo videos that create animation production studios, like CMCG. The difficulty is that you need to put the most interesting information about the product in one video. The important point is that the customer watches the video for the first 10 seconds, and then can turn it off if he does not like it. 


So it takes not just animation and video creation, but also an understanding of marketing principles to influence viewer choice.


This type of video can be called a business presentation. That is, the business owner tells the company’s mission, product benefits and uniqueness.


Corporate videos are created to create value and benefit for the customer, not for sale. Some of the most popular formats are video blogs and interviews. As the practice of CMCG marketing agency shows, such animated videos affect the psychology of consumers and attract new customers.


Tell us about your product so that we want to buy it. This effect should cause the result of video animation production. 


Presentation of a product, company or results for the year, all this should look interesting, creative and concise. The presentation is one of the first stages in establishing cooperation with partners. 


In addition, you need to choose an animation production agency carefully so that you can make an effective presentation.

Animation videos for socials


3d animation production is the part of the advertising campaign that most effectively influences the audience. Users of this platform are different from those who use Instagram: age, financial capabilities, values in life, interests, etc.

The task of animation production companies is more difficult, because the potential customer is demanding creativity. In this case, the company bears reputational and financial risks, so it is easier to hire an agency like CMCG. It is an investment in promotion and minimization of possible failures.


This is a popular platform where companies are not afraid to get creative. Bright colors, dynamic shots, non-standard characters, all this is part of the best animation companies. The consumer has certain associations about each of the products that he sees daily in advertisements or reels. It is important that the animation about your product is unique among thousands of others.

Choose the CMCG team and start 3d animation production, which will shape market trends. In this way, you won’t only increase the number of subscribers, but also form a new base of potential consumers.

Tik Tok

Automated animation is about tools that can be used on the Tik Tok platform. There are a lot of masks, effects, music that help create videos of different formats. This platform is the most popular according to the statistics of the number of hours spent by users. So, a 3d animation company is your choice for effective online promotion.

Together with the CMCG team, you will launch challenges that will be replicated by users from different states, build trust in the company and increase product sales.


Video animation company is one of the methods of attracting audiences through entertainment content. Increasing loyalty to the product depends on the video format, goal, and successful implementation. This platform has no significant restrictions on the use of video 3d animation, which has the largest feedback in the audience.

Promote useful content by promoting your product, share expert information and entertain the user through a moving image. This way, you'll get results faster than classic Youtube advertising.

CMCG video production team

Successful video content is not just about professional technology and good lighting. Our team develops animated videos from the idea of the video to its implementation:


  • – we are responsible for each stage;
  • – we can demonstrate the value of the product through 3D animation;
  • – we form a strategy for video, which will affect the recognizability of the product.


You have an idea, we have many years of experience and successful cases with excellent results. Choose a video production team that works for the result.

Reasons to use animation videos

This video format is a separate method of digital promotion. Why do businesses need animation video production?


Complex terms and processes can be explained by simple animation. This will save time at a business meeting and avoid unnecessary questions.

Additional services

You can present a new product or service in 3D animation format. This will attract the attention of potential partners and increase interest among partners.

Growing demand

The more people hear about your product, the greater the demand. It is important to think about the meaning of the animation, whether it will correspond to the positioning of the company, and so on.


Exclusive animation, dynamic shots and unusual format will attract the attention of the audience faster than expensive advertising on television. More creativity and your brand will be recognizable in the market.


If interest grows, so does conversion. Our team will help turn new customers into regular ones.

Animated videos for business are an effective method of promotion, which is launched on various digital platforms. From Facebook to Youtube, you can use various illustrations and additional visual tools. Such videos will be effective in any business that plans to scale and promote its product in the global market.

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What Our Customers

Guys are really cool. We got an excellent result. A good, well-coordinated team that works wonders.

Edie Jamwel
Edie Jamwel
CEO, Moverte

We made an incredibly cool project with this team. They do more than what we asked for.
Our project brand has become the best in our holding. Thank you for doing your work with love.

O. N. Moloney
O. N. Moloney
Operating partner

Wir arbeiten mit der Agentur seit mehr als 3 Jahren zusammen, es gab viele verschiedene Momente in unserer Arbeit. Ich möchte das hohe Niveau und die Qualität der Arbeit, die Pedanterie der interagierenden Mitarbeiter hervorheben.

Brown Herry
Brown Herry
Brand manager, Danone