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Brand audit for your business

Make the audit of your brand with
Concept Marketing and Communication Group

Brand audit for correct brand strategy

We can help you stand 

out from 


Visual Brand Evaluation

Our visual brand audit will help you determine the true message of your brand image and match it with the goals of your business. However, the one thing that stands out right away is your brand’s visual identity, which includes your logo, the fonts used in marketing and advertising materials, as well as the general presentation, color scheme and style.

Social Media Audit

Take advantage of our social media consultation experts to craft and execute a comprehensive social media strategy that fosters engagement, expands your follower base, and enhances brand recognition. Collaboratively, we will fine-tune your social media channels, ensuring effective communication with your desired audience, covering everything from content creation to adept ad campaign management.


Through a comprehensive examination of your competitors’ strengths and vulnerabilities, we will pinpoint opportunities for enhancement and formulate tactics to surpass them. Additionally, we will uncover potential challenges and openings within the market, empowering your brand to swiftly adapt to evolving industry dynamics.

What is a Brand Audit?


A brand evaluation represents a comprehensive appraisal of your brand’s current status and effectiveness. It encompasses an in-depth analysis of every facet of your brand, encompassing visual components like logos and color palettes, as well as intangible elements such as brand messaging and customer perception. Our Brand Audit is meticulously crafted to furnish you with invaluable insights and practical recommendations aimed at fortifying and enhancing your brand.


Why is a Brand Audit Important?


  • – Safeguard Consistency: Guarantee uniformity in your brand’s messaging, design, and communication throughout all platforms. 
  • – Edge in the Competition: Maintain a competitive edge by making certain that your brand not only distinguishes itself but also provides a distinct value proposition. 
  • – Evaluate Your Brand’s Vitality: Attain a precise grasp of your brand’s market perception and unveil any vulnerabilities that might impede its growth. Boost 
  • – Customer Engagement: Amplify customer loyalty and involvement by harmonizing your brand with the values and preferences of your target audience.

At our disposal, we have a team of seasoned branding specialists ready to collaborate closely with you in the execution of a comprehensive Brand Assessment, which encompasses the following components:

  1. Brand Identity Scrutiny: We’ll meticulously scrutinize your logo, typography, color palette, and visual elements to ascertain their proficiency in representing your brand effectively.
  2. Brand Messaging Probe: Our experts will delve into your brand’s messaging, taglines, and communication approach to ensure they strike a chord with your target audience.
  3. Competitor Exploration: Extensive research into your competitors will uncover areas where differentiation and enhancement can be achieved.
  4. Customer Perception Investigation: Gathering valuable insights from your customer base and intended audience will allow us to gain a deep understanding of how they perceive your brand.
  5. Digital Presence Assessment: Evaluation of your online presence, including your website and social media profiles, will be carried out to ensure they seamlessly align with your brand’s core identity.
  6. Recommendations and Tailored Strategy: Drawing from our comprehensive findings, we will furnish you with an elaborate report and a bespoke action plan designed to fortify your brand’s position.

Why Choose Us?

Profound Expertise

Our squad of branding mavens boasts a proven history of elevating businesses' brand image and market prominence.

Tailor-Made Solutions

Acknowledging the distinctiveness of each brand, we customize our Brand Evaluation to align with your precise requirements and aspirations.

Outcome-Oriented Approach

Our primary aim revolves around delivering quantifiable outcomes, propelling your brand towards its utmost potential.

Enduring Collaboration

We're committed to nurturing your brand's growth voyage, providing continual counsel and support as required.

Don’t allow your brand to fade into obscurity. Take the inaugural step toward a more robust and influential brand presence by scheduling a Brand Assessment with us today. Together, we’ll unlock your brand’s complete potential and chart a course for success. Connect with us right away to embark on this journey!

The Benefits of a Comprehensive Brand Audit

Investing in a Brand Assessment can yield substantial benefits for your enterprise. Below are some of the key advantages you can anticipate:

  • Clarity and Guidance: Attain a lucid comprehension of your brand’s current standing and the necessary steps for its enhancement and refinement.
  • Enhanced Market Standing: By implementing strategic adjustments, you can position your brand more competently within your industry, enticing new clientele and retaining the existing ones.
  • Uniformity: Ensure your brand maintains a uniform identity across all contact points, forging a memorable and reliable impression.
  • Amplified Customer Confidence: A well-defined and effectively communicated brand cultivates confidence within your audience, rendering them more inclined to select your offerings.
  • Competitive Advantage: Emerge as a standout presence in a crowded marketplace by recognizing and capitalizing on the unique aspects of your brand.
  • Enhanced Marketing Return on Investment (ROI): Direct your marketing endeavors more precisely by aligning them with your brand’s fundamental values and messaging.
  • Sustainable Growth: Set the groundwork for sustainable expansion and prolonged success by reinforcing your brand’s positioning within the market

Our Commitment to Your Brand's Success

Here at CMCG, our commitment revolves around assisting enterprises akin to yours in realizing their brand’s full potential. Our Brand Assessment offering marks only the initial phase of our collaborative journey. We’re fully vested in guiding you throughout the entire process—enacting the prescribed modifications, tracking their effects, and fine-tuning your brand strategy when required.

Your brand stands as one of your most prized assets, warranting the meticulous attention and nurturing essential for its prosperity. Allow us to be the catalyst in metamorphosing your brand into an influential and captivating force within your sector.

Deal with business​

It doesn’t matter: you want to develop a brand identity for a real estate or restaurant. The results are not affected by the size of the shares, the number of employees or the niche.  So CMCG can easily develop a strategy for different businesses:

CMCG team work with:

IT (including StartUps)

Contact Us Today

Are you prepared to elevate your brand to new heights? Reach out to us without delay to arrange your Brand Assessment and initiate a voyage toward establishing a more robust and influential brand presence. Our dedicated team is enthusiastic about aiding you in attaining your brand objectives and creating a significant imprint in the market.

Don’t delay – the journey to your brand’s triumph commences with a Brand Evaluation. Come alongside us in our mission to craft a brand that resonates deeply, fosters engagement, and leaves an indelible mark. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you on this thrilling expedition!

What Our Customers  Say. What Our Customers  Say. What Our Customers  Say. What Our Customers  Say.

What Our Customers

Guys are really cool. We got an excellent result. A good, well-coordinated team that works wonders.

Edie Jamwel
Edie Jamwel
CEO, Moverte

We made an incredibly cool project with this team. They do more than what we asked for.
Our project brand has become the best in our holding. Thank you for doing your work with love.

O. N. Moloney
O. N. Moloney
Operating partner

Wir arbeiten mit der Agentur seit mehr als 3 Jahren zusammen, es gab viele verschiedene Momente in unserer Arbeit. Ich möchte das hohe Niveau und die Qualität der Arbeit, die Pedanterie der interagierenden Mitarbeiter hervorheben.

Brown Herry
Brown Herry
Brand manager, Danone
pr for dubai expo